You Don't Need To Know Where You're Going
Oct 31, 2019

We paralyze ourselves, waiting to be ready with all the answers before we make a move. We have this belief that we're working towards something. Religion tells us that everything ends with heaven and hell, so that's got us thinking linear, but the rest of the world operates in cycles; the planets, the seasons, the Simpsons, and pumpkin spice latte season. That means the journey is all that matters as things cycle through. There will always be good and bad things to experience, and we'll always have to find solutions to problems, so just get moving. Your thoughts are worth a fraction of your actions, so just start, and make that shit up as you go - that's what I'm doing. I didn't have a cool name like HUMBLE THE POET until a year after I started releasing my work. As years (yes, years!) went by, progress was made. Think about what you want, think about any way to get started and do it, and trust me, the rest will start revealing itself as you go. You don't even have to trust me, that's been the story of everything you've ever accomplished in life. It's always trial and error, and the people who do the best, are the ones that keep moving. So keep moving. #BLESS
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My new book THINGS NO ONE ELSE CAN TEACH US is NOW AVAILABLE. If you dig my writing, you’re going to love this book. visit to find out where to get it