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We Can't Tell the Future

We Can't Tell the Future

Learning from the challenges that those before me faced helps
me avoid some of my own pitfalls. It reminds me not to get too excited or stressed about the future, and to learn about and adapt according to the patterns of the past. Those patterns are all we have, because we don’t own a crystal ball.
Sometimes, deciding our futures is the reason they turn out the way they do. If we think something is bad news, we can make it worse. On the flip side, thinking something is good news can also serve to hurt us, because it may leave us with our guards down and encourage us to make decisions with more emotion than logic. The truth is, we don’t know what will be good news or bad news in the end.

My new book THINGS NO ONE ELSE CAN TEACH US is now available. If you dig my writing, you’re going to love this book. visit and find out where to get it

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