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More About Toronto Creatives

More About Toronto Creatives


I've been following around @jessiereyez all year. I've seen her perform in Arenas, small clubs, mid-sized venues, acoustic, with a DJ, with a band, and around a campfire. It's been amazing watching her slowly and surely climb and dominate the scene. Jessie has a trillion dollar voice, a billion dollar work ethic and a priceless heart. It's exciting how many dope folks are coming out of #Toronto and now dominating in every area. It's important to have communities of creatives because we weirdos need to feed off each other's energy and drive. I had a front-row seat watching @iisuperwomanii level up, and I learned a lot from it, that's why it's important that we all work together, and stop seeing each other as competition. In a few years, you'll only be able to see Jessie perform in large arenas alongside #Beyonce and #Adele, so find her now in a city near you. Join the mosh pits, cry your hearts out, and sing along. Most of the songs she writes describe guys like me and the trail of damage we've left in the lives of others. Listening has been a cathartic experience for me to try to be more aware of that and improve as a person because of it. So thank you, Jessie, for that. Thank you for blessing the world with your amazing voice, and painfully amazing songwriting. GO BUY HER SHIT!!!!! and keep an eye on how many more amazing #Toronto creatives are coming up!!

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